Monday, May 11, 2009

New Kit Launch. The soft opening.

Many things happened around the world on Tuesday night at 18h30. 6 American troops in Riyadd were ambushed. North Korea declared that it would continue and increase its effort to establish its nuclear power. The two remaining Idols finalists battled it, out in duet, on local television screens. And while these events are somewhat spectacular, nothing could compare to the drama that unfolded on the home fields of UFO Cobras.

After 2 weeks of rest, the team returned looking more united than ever before. And sporting a new kit too. But before they could get on the field to show it off, they had to face the club owner who threatened to disqualify them. Permanently. It seems ‘2 weeks’ of rest is a nice way to say ‘not pitching for 2 weeks’. Fortunately, the Cobras showed some fancy footwork and were soon on the way to playing some of the best football ever seen.

Nick scored a hat-trick and seemed to be back in his form. Rory and Jonny both sneaked one in too. And with Jerome as goalie, only five went through. And so it was, as the final whistle blew the scores were tied at 5-5. It was a brave game. In a new uniform.

Hey, at least it’s not a loss.